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Electronic proximity key kit at 125 KHz for restricted floor access

The electronic proximity key kit is composed by a reader named City Prox and a DLXT10 decoding box,
connected to each other by 3 wires up to 100 meters long.

By self-training for proximity, it is possible to
store 31 different users, upgradeable to 126 or 500 users with optional memory.

The typical application is to enable the access to specific floors, usually prohibited by buttons, only to authorized passengers holding cards or keyring.

The timed output relay (from 1 to 30 seconds) makes an easy interface with buttons or other elevator’s devices.

It is possible to connect up to 3 Prox readers to each decoding box, to order the same function
from 3 different accesses.

Technical specificationsTop

  • Power supply 12-24 Vdc
  • Consumption 60 mA
  • Reading distance 6-10 cm.
  • Protection degree IP 44



Reader:S / + / - (3 wires 0,22 sqmm-100m max)
Decoder:S / + / - / + Vdc / Gnd (0V) - Relay OUT (COM / N.C./N.O.)

How to orderTop

K Prox T10
  • CITY PROX Proximity Card or Key Reader
  • DLX T1031 Users decoder for City Prox
  • TM 126 126 Users DLX memory expander
  • TM 500 500 Users DLX memory expander
OPTEA S.r.l.
Tecnologie Elettroniche Via Zavaglia, 20 c/o Cablo snc - 40062 Molinella (BO) Tel +39 051 881366 Fax: +39 051 6903592